*Danielle's Website*            




Future Plans



My Horse



My Goals

I have a few goals that I'd really like to reach in the future. Here is a list that I have come up with:

  • Graduate high school and attend Centenary College 

  • Become a riding instructor

  • Build and manage my own barn

  • Open a photography business

  My first goal is to graduate high school and attend Centenary College. I plan to major in Equine Studies and minor in Communications. I'd also like to take some film and photography classes while I'm there. I really loved Centenary's campus when I went to go visit last fall and I've heard nothing but good things about the school. My trainer graduated from there in 2004 and she too agrees that it is a really great school especially if you want to pursue a career with horses.

My second goal is to become a riding instructor. I'd like to be able to teach people of all different ages and levels but first I have to work my knowledge and skill up that's why I really want to attend Centenary because they have an awesome equine program and facility.

Another one of my goals is to build and manage my own barn. I'd love to buy a huge piece of property and design and build my own barn. I'd probably have to move out of New Jersey if I ever wanted to make this goal a reality but I don't have a problem with that. I was thinking either somewhere out west or down south closer to the Carolina's.

My last goal is to open a photography business. I was thinking of maybe becoming and equine photography. So I would travel to shows and offer to take pictures of people in the show ring for a certain fee. I think that it would be a pretty successful business because it's something that I really enjoy and I've always been good at catching the best moments on film.